Grants are available via invitation only from the Foundation.
Grant Applications
Quarterly Deadlines
4-Step Process

Step 1. Invitation to Apply
Once the Foundation determines an interest in accepting a grant request from your organization, you will receive instructions from the Grants Manager on how to access the application form. If you are invited to submit a grant application, be sure to carefully follow the application procedures as outlined in the guidelines.
It is important to pay particular attention to the dates and time that applications are due (October 31, February 28, June 30). Late or incomplete applications may be denied.
This invitation to apply does not guarantee approval of your grant. If you choose to apply, we may additionally request your organization’s participation in an upcoming grant review meeting with our Board of Directors and/or staff.

Step 2. Conduct Field Review
We may conduct a field review (site visit) by one or more Officers or Directors of the Foundation. The field review includes a conference with the organizations professional staff involved in the request, one or more of its Board of Directors or Trustees, appropriate accounting personnel of the organization, as well as a review of actual operations.

Step 3. Decision
Staff will screen all requests for completeness, accuracy and consistency with stated guidelines. Grant review meetings with applicant organizations will be held as appropriate. Requests will then be referred to the full Board of Directors for a final review and decision. This review process may take several months.
The merits of any proposal are judged individually depending on the relevance of the proposed program. There are, however, several characteristics that enhance the merits of a proposal:
- Statistical evidence from an independent source that the project will address an important community need
- Approaches that are innovative, cost-effective and include the cooperative effort of several community groups
- Community impact consistent with the level of proposed expenditure
- Demonstrated expertise among those individuals guiding and/or staffing the project
Each applicant will be notified in writing shortly after a decision on its request has been made. Unfortunately, due to limited funds, many meritorious proposals cannot be approved. Applicants should understand that the decision of the Carl Angus DeSantis Foundation not to make a grant is not intended, in most instances, to reflect any disapproval of the entity requesting the grant.

Step 4. Report
We ask grantees to provide us with a progress report at least every six months. When the grant funds have been fully spent, we require a final report containing a list of the disbursements of the grant balanced against the grant budget, together with an evaluation of the results of the grant. New grant requests will not be processed by the Foundation from the same organization until the final report has been filed on any prior grant. The Foundation from time-to-time conducts post-review audits of previously completed grants. This is primarily for the purpose of assisting the Foundation in establishing its own grant policies as well as to review the stewardship of the grant funds by your organization.