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Take Stock in Children

The grant enables Take Stock in Children to spend 8 years working with students from the sixth grade through the second year of college. Students receiving mentoring and tutoring services and Florida Prepaid Scholarships are purchased to make college accessible to students who must opt-in and stay engaged.

The investment means that Take Stock will serve a total of 750 children in our community.

Our grant will pay for 275 two-year Florida Prepaid College Scholarships. The value of each scholarship is $8,000.

Take Stock’s partnership with the Florida Prepaid Foundation allows them to purchase scholarships at a discounted rate of $4,000. Scholarships are matched dollar for dollar, meaning our investment doubles in value. This is the kind of “civic innovation” that the Carl Angus DeSantis Foundation seeks to support. Part of our investment will include the hiring of two new staff members for five years. The staff members will serve as College Readiness Coaches, ensuring that children can take full advantage of this unique opportunity.

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Featured Grants in Civic Innovation

Indaba Foundation

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Second Chance Initiative

Take Stock in Children

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