Communities are ever-changing, that’s what makes them interesting.
People, businesses, leaders, and organizations come and go.
But it’s the pillars that stand the test of time.
It’s the pillars that build communities, quietly, effectively and over a long period of time.
The George Snow Scholarship Fund is one of those pillars. The Carl Angus DeSantis Foundation is honored to partner with this wonderful non-profit to build a better future for our youth.
Recently, we announced a $200,000 gift to the Snow Fund. The monies will support a new program we’re calling “DeSantis Scholars”—which will enable students to pursue vocational education in fields such as nursing, HVAC, electrical, plumbing and more.
Mr. DeSantis, who briefly attended Florida State University but did not complete his degree, believed that students who wanted to pursue careers that didn’t require college should be encouraged to do so.
We’re pleased to have a partner like George Snow to make that happen.
Since 1982, the non-profit has given about $26.4 million in scholarships to local students looking to improve their lives.

Through the decades, the Boca Raton-based Snow Fund has been there for students in Palm Beach County. Recently, the fund was invited to help students in Broward, a testament to their reputation as stellar scholarship administrators.
We’ve had our eyes on the George Snow Fund for some time. It’s hard to miss their impact:
- 2,943 scholarships since 1982.
- 887 Snow Scholars currently enrolled in college.
- Almost $5 million awarded in 2023.
But their effectiveness goes beyond the numbers: 90 percent of Snow Scholars graduate compared to 62 percent nationally. Many of those scholars come back home and benefit our local community.

So, we were thrilled to partner with such a pillar of the community. We were especially taken by the holistic thinking at the Snow Fund. Students receive inspirational messages to start their week, there are webinars that teach the “soft skills” needed to succeed and scholars receive care packages as well.
It’s been a remarkably effectively model, honed over 42 years by a leadership team led by President Tim Snow.
When you meet Tim and Snow Development Director Jay Brandt you are swept away by the passion they bring to the cause. For Tim, the son of George Snow, the mission is personal. But he has managed to infuse that passion into a dedicated team and board that have created a family of scholars.
“When you receive a scholarship from the George Snow Scholarship Fund, you become a part of our family. You can count on us to help you in anyway we can,” says Tim.
And help they do: from career development advice, college physicals, an emergency fund for unexpected needs, to laptop computers and mental health counseling Snow Scholars are cared for like family.
Did we mention senior portraits? How about “the scholar closet” to help the budget conscious find free clothing and shoes? There’s also the “Snow Family Network”, a unique social networking platform where Scholars and Snow Alumni can connect and help each other find jobs and internships.
That’s the “wow” factor we look for at the Carl Angus DeSantis Foundation.
We are thrilled to begin this important partnership.